Friday, July 30, 2010

Preparing for Parental Involvement

Action Planning
Goal: To increase student achievement through increased parental involvement
Action Steps(s):Person(s) Responsible:Timeline: Start/EndNeeded ResourcesEvaluation
Increase the amount of information going home (email sign up lists, posting on the web, letters home through students and through the postal system, and utilizing the automated phone caller)Administration, office staff, campus technology staffStart: 2 weeks after school begins (Sept. 6th)

End: two weeks after the last day of school (June 16th)
Materials: Paper, envelopes and stamps

Server space for parent email sign up
Webmaster to post information
Automated phone service
Pose questions on teacher, parent and student surveys regarding information sent home.
Set up a parent night to ask them for suggestions on how they can increase their involvement and discuss different options they may not realize are considered parental involvement.Administration, PBIS teamThis should be done during the first full week of September (6th-10th)

This is a one-time only event.
Lecture Hall
Snacks and drinks (cups and plates)
PBIS Team members
Power Point Presentation to show different types of parent involvement
Sign-up sheet
Immediate feedback from attendees through question and answer session and a confidential survey at the end of the presentation

Collect data on parent participation
Set up a monthly calendar for teachers to post important dates and assignments that parents can sign up to receive information about.PBIS team
Campus technology staff
Freshman teachers
This should be implemented by the third week of school and should continue throughout the school year.Server space
Google or yahoo group that will be shared with freshmen parents
Pose questions on teacher, parent and student surveys regarding the shared calendar.
Collect data on parent participation.
Depending on areas of need, offer parenting classes such as how to deal with teenagers, getting your student ready for college, etc.PBIS Team
Start: First week of October (4th-8th) and continue once every six weeks until the end of the yearThis will depend on the session type but there will always be refreshments availableThere will a confidential evaluation survey at the end of each session and questions will be added to the end of the year teacher, parent and student survey
Collect data regarding parent participation.
Set up specific times parents may come to the campus and make use of our library and all of its resources.PBIS Team
This will begin right after the first meeting with parents in September and will continue throughout the school yearStipend for the librarian and the extra hours that she may incurQuestions will be added to the end of the year teacher, parent and student survey.
Collect data regarding parent participation over time.
Change Open House night to more of a parent social event where there would be food and drinks for the parents and they would have the opportunity to meet their child's teacher in a more relaxed setting.PBIS Team
Freshmen Teachers
This will occur September 20th and is a one-time eventRefreshments
Automated phone calls
Questions will be added to the end of the year teacher, parent and student survey

There will also be a sign up at the end of the night for parents to sign up for an automated survey to be either done over the phone or through email

Collect data on parent participation
Set up ride service for parents to come to the school for events such as open house, parent classes and the library times.PBIS Team
Durham Transportation
Central Administration
This will begin with the first parent information night and will continue throughout the year as neededDepending on how many people need the service, we would need either a bus from Durham transportation or use of the two Suburbans from central administration
Liability waivers would also be necessary
Collect data on parent participation and add questions to the end of the year surveys
Offer crash course nights for parents to learn what their kids are doing in class so that they may assist their kids at home.Freshmen teachersOffer once a month at the beginning of the school year and continue throughout the school yearTake home materials for parents
Informal evaluations done through questioning from the teacher
Surveys at the end of the year from teachers, parents and students
Collect data on parent participation and student achievement
Offer childcare during parent eventsPBIS team
Student clubs/organizations
This will be offered at all parent events starting with the parent information meeting in September and continuing throughout the school yearEach club will provide their own activities for the childrenNone required


  1. Amber, Your plan looks great! I actually wanted to do the same research project, but when collaborating with my site supervisor we decided to focus on a different area.
    Since your goal is to increase student achievement through increased parent involvement I might suggest that you incorportate analyzing student acheivement data either as an action step or as an evaluation tool.
    I am extremely interested in your work, so keep us posted

  2. Amber, this looks like a strong plan. Parent involvement is my topic as well, although I'm focusing on trying to change the way we hold academic nights to encourage more parent and family involvement and support at home. This is similar to your second action step so I wonder what ideas you have for making parent nights more about increasing meaningful parent involvement. As a PBIS campus, I would be interested in hearing about the types of options you educate parents on when trying to broaden their horizons on how they can get involved. I'm also interested in how you will be gathering data on the effects on student performance and achievement as these action steps are implemented.

  3. In step 2, you mention collecting data on parent participation. How is this data collected? Is it just notes that you took from the discussion or are there questionnaires involved? How will you determine the topic of the first parenting class? Will that be based on the data from the first parent meeting in step 2?

    You've really put in some great support for parents: rides, child care, and crash courses. I think that this plan has an excellent chance of greatly increasing parental involvment because the school is willing to bend over backwards for the parents. Many will return the favor.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. You have a thorough and well organized plan. I like the way that you plan on tackling parent involvement needs with a variety of strategies. I think that it would be beneficial for you to seek a parent liasion at the beginning of the year. This could be done at the beginning of the year, possibly at your parent meeting. Maybe you could include information about a parent involvement parent liasion in your survey. Who knows, you might have several volunteers! The parent liasion could meet with you throughout your action research to provide you with information pertaining to parent opinions about participation in school activities. Good luck with your action research initiative!
