Friday, August 6, 2010

My Revised Plan

After reading everyone's feedback and consulting with my site supervisor and PBIS team, I came up with a few revisions of my plan.  It turned out to not be very feasible to provide a ride service for parents but the childcare idea was well received.  Everyone also really liked the idea of opening up the library to parents during specific hours.  I also added recruiting a parent liaison to the plan.  All the other changes were pretty minor.  I decreased the amount times we would offer parent classes and crash course events.  Take a look and feel free to add your comments:

My revised plan

Action Planning  

Goal: To increase student achievement through increased parental involvement

Action Steps(s): 

Person(s) Responsible: 

Timeline: Start/End 

Needed Resources 


Increase the amount of information going home (email sign up lists, posting on the web, letters home through students and through the postal system, and utilizing the automated phone caller)

Administration, office staff, campus technology staff 

Start: 2 weeks after school begins (Sept. 6th)


End: two weeks after the last day of school (June 16th)

Materials: Paper, envelopes and stamps


Server space for parent email sign up

Webmaster to post information

Automated phone service 

Pose questions on teacher, parent and student surveys regarding information sent home. 

Set up a parent night to ask them for suggestions on how they can increase their involvement and discuss different options they may not realize are considered parental involvement.

Administration, PBIS team 

This should be done during the first full week of September (6th-10th)


This is a one-time only event.

Lecture Hall

Snacks and drinks (cups and plates)


PBIS Team members

Power Point Presentation to show different types of parent involvement

Sign-up sheet

Immediate feedback from attendees through question and answer session and a confidential survey at the end of the presentation


Collect data on how many participated and how they heard about the meeting. Figure out the percentage of parents that participated vs. how many letters were mailed.

Set up a monthly calendar for teachers to post important dates and assignments that parents can sign up to receive information about.

PBIS team

Campus technology staff

Freshman teachers 

This should be implemented by the third week of school and should continue throughout the school year. 

Server space

Google or yahoo group that will be shared with freshmen parents 

Pose questions on teacher, parent and student surveys regarding the shared calendar.

Collect data on parent participation. 

Depending on areas of need, offer parenting classes such as how to deal with teenagers, getting your student ready for college, etc.


Start: First week of October (4th-8th) and continue once every quarter until the end of the year

This will depend on the session type but there will always be refreshments available 

There will a confidential evaluation survey at the end of each session and questions will be added to the end of the year teacher, parent and student survey

Collect data regarding parent participation. 

Set up specific times parents may come to the campus and make use of our library and all of its resources.




This will begin right after the first meeting with parents in September and will continue throughout the school year

Stipend for the librarian and the extra hours that she may incur

Questions will be added to the end of the year teacher, parent and student survey.

Collect data regarding parent participation over time. 

Include a general session at the beginning of Open House night so that PBIS can talk about parent involvement and other important topics.




This will occur September 20th and is a one-time event




Automated phone calls 

Questions will be added to the end of the year teacher, parent and student survey


There will also be a sign up at the end of the night for parents to sign up for an automated survey to be either done over the phone or through email


Collect data on parent participation 

Offer crash course nights for parents to learn what their kids are doing in class so that they may assist their kids at home. 

Freshmen teachers 

Offer once a quarter throughout the school year

Take home materials for parents


Informal evaluations done through questioning from the teacher

Surveys at the end of the year from teachers, parents and students

Collect data on parent participation and student achievement

Offer childcare during parent events

PBIS team

Student clubs/organizations 

This will be offered at all parent events starting with the parent information meeting in September and continuing throughout the school year 

Each club will provide their own activities for the children

None required 

Recruit a parent liaison to help get information back and forth to parents

PBIS team

This can be accomplished at the first parent information night

Mailers about parent information night


Flyers for parents about being a parent liaison

Feedback from the parent liaison in the form of an informal interview or questionnaire